Bulletin Board 42⎯Preppy spring gear, a twist on the old-fashioned, and a tweed update

I love a good clothing store. You can’t beat seeing the product in person, feeling its fabric and actually trying on the fit. Over the years I’ve made great friends via the retail experience, and Chase Winfrey is one of them.

I first met Chase when he was working at the old Drake’s NYC store on Crosby Street, and we ended up spending a lot of time together after he joined the team at J. Mueser. I was happy when I heard that his next gig was to be at J. McLaughlin, a preppy brand founded by brothers Kevin and Jay McLaughlin in the 70s. Their original Upper East Side shop was just around the corner from J.G. Melon (and essentially, their target audience), and filled with casual prep staples like Shetland sweaters and needlepoint belts. Today, J. McLaughlin has around 200 stores nationwide—and a flagship conveniently located two blocks from my new apartment in NYC.

The brand’s been on my radar for a while, as I’ve long liked its classic, Palm Beach-style vibes and bold use of color. I recently met Chase for coffee and a shop tour to get more acquainted with their latest spring collection. I gravitated immediately to a stack of fine-wale corduroy trousers, with the green and blue pastels grabbing my attention first. And while I sometimes imagine myself as a bright trouser guy what I ended up trying on were the white cords (they were keepers).

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